Prayer Request
Prayer is needed in the following areas.
We covet your prayers.
Prayer works.
We covet your prayers.
Prayer works.
Our Father's House Mission, Haiti
Prayer for Lori and Jeremy as they serve abroad as full time missionaries. Prayer for wisdom and God's leading and guiding as they discern where the Lord would have them to serve this year. Prayer for security in Haiti so that they can return to the work at OFHM, Haiti. Gangs have gained considerable power over the streets and the people are always under the threat of robbery, kidnapping and extortion.
Regalos De Amor, Mexico.
Please keep the mission team in prayer as they teach afterschool Bible and English classes. Please pray for their safety and their health. Praise the Lord, the wall is finished on the new property, now please pray for the funding for the buildings on the mission base as we continue to build the future home of
Regalos de Amor.
Regalos de Amor.
Frutos de Amor, Costa Rica
Please pray for Don and Meisha and their church. Please pray for opportunities to minister and for the teams that will join them throughout 2023.
Grace of Our Lord Church, Romania
Please continue to pray for Dave & Lilly and their Briana as they continue to minister in Romania during these times. Please pray the Lord will provide a new location for their church.
Calvary Reconciliation & Equipping Ministries, India
Please pray for upcomming teaching opportunities, and for health.
Thank you!
Thank you!